Forward Time Travel proven!!!!!
Check these vids out they are awesome...
Check these vids out they are awesome...
Posted by rightttt at 8:12:00 AM
Labels: amazing, back, breakthrough, discovery, forward, future, gadget, in time, past, physics, possible, proven, time, time machine, time travel, travel, traveling, true comments (0)
BAM! Take A Look! My new short film
Posted by rightttt at 2:06:00 PM
Labels: break in, dark, death, die, horror, knife, murder, murderer, rightttt, scared, scary, short film, suspense, the intruder, youtube comments (0)
So the people who park next to me moved in. There truck is a 4x4 ford quad cab. So I was feeling Kinda snug until something amazing happened. They parked their Motor Cycle next to my car, there car in an unreserved spot and there truck in an unreserved spot. If your reading this up there in apartment 102 Thanks from the Mustang! Just figured I would update you guys.
Posted by rightttt at 10:11:00 PM
Labels: apartment, motorcycle, neighbor, parkerverse, parkerverse-youtube, parking, problems, rightttt, subscribe, truck comments (1)
I came across this video on youtube. It's one of the shorts you would see in movie theaters before the movie starts. It showcases fashion designers of the 30's idea of what people will be wearing in the year 2000. Take a look.
I personally think they came pretty close. I don't recall ever seeing a shirt with removable sleeves, but I have worn pants that have removable legs. Women wear see through garments all the time now, especially at the Oscars(Halle Berry on right).
I don't expect to see a head light in a woman's hair but women do primarily wear pants now. The men's design is a little more far off, however I personally think facial hair is more abundant than it was then plus they got the cell phone right and they even predicted the fanny pack, RIGHTTTT?
Now I'm going to predict the future of fashion in 2050. I don't want to go much further only because I hope to still be running this blog. If I remember I can comment on my thoughts. Who knows. Could be cool. If I'm not still around maybe an archaeologists will find my site. Anyway here goes.
In general.
That's what I think. Now post your ideas.
Posted by rightttt at 1:40:00 PM
Labels: 1930s, 2050, clothes, clothes of the future, fahsion in the year 2000, fashion, future, future fashion, wear, what are we, youtube comments (0)
Posted by rightttt at 11:40:00 AM
Labels: basket ball, bundchen, cover, gisele, hepless white woman, king kong, lebron james, model, racism, racist, Star, super, vogue comments (0)
I found a video on youtube and honestly I had never heard of non-Newtonian fluids. I am sure that I one of the few people who never experienced making it in a high school chemistry class. We made ice cream, drop eggs from roofs, and even blew up a miniature of the Hindenburg, but never made this fun liquid. I actually find it really interesting, the fact that with enough of it you can walk and jump on it, but if you stopped moving you sink. So I decided to find out how to make it, but first I wanted to really understand what it is.
A non-Newtonian Fluid is a fluid in which the viscosity changes with the applied strain rate. As a result, non-Newtonian fluids may not have a well-defined viscosity. So if you suddenly poked this fluid it would react more like a solid. On the other hand if you slowly slid your finger through, it will react as a liquid. However if you were to jerk it out it would begin acting like a solid again. See it's really cool.
This is what you need to make it.
How to make it? Simply poor some water in to the corn starch and stir it. You want about equal amounts of both. Finally, I know long process huh, stir it. Your done. When you make some be sure and post about your experience with this. I especially would like to see someone fill their tub with it. So let me know.
Here the video! Looks fun, right?
Posted by rightttt at 1:32:00 PM
Labels: chemistry, cool, cornstartch, fluid, fun, how to, how to walk on liquid, instruction, make, man walks on water, non-newtonian fluid, ooblek, parkerverse, project, rightttt, science, water, youtube comments (0)
Posted by rightttt at 10:19:00 PM
Labels: new blog, parkerverse, parkerverse-youtube, reivews, rightttt, youtube comments (0)
I have never edited HTML so easily. Maybe it's just that I'm getting better but I think its this guys way he explained it. It was really simple to me. Worked first time. I would like to offer a Thanks and Great Job on the label cloud to phydeaux3.
Code for New Blogger Tag Cloud / Label Cloud Blogger Javascript « phydeaux3
Posted by rightttt at 12:45:00 AM
Labels: blog, css, help, html, label cloud, parkerverse, phydeaux3, rightttt, subscriber. thanks, widget comments (0)
So I used to deliver pizzas for Domino's. It was a great job. I made anywhere from $2000 to $2500 a month. Yeah... A lot. While I was working there a new recruitment video came out. I had never had a job that had a recruitment video. So I watched it. The whole time I was cracking up. After I saw it was over I realized we do go out rain or shine, Hot or cold. I actually had pride in my job for awhile. I thought "I AM A DOMINO'S PIZZA DELIVERY DRIVER". Then I got in a wreck. Rear ended someone driving down the interstate while working. Yeah it sucked.
Anyway I was driving by the local Domino's today and it reminded me of the video. I decided to look for it. I found it. So enjoy.
Posted by rightttt at 10:51:00 PM
Labels: delivery, domino's, driver, funny, hillarious, parkerverse, recruitment, rightttt, video capture comments (0)
So Brett Farve... Retired all-star Quarter Back for the Green Bay Packers.
I was out today, I happen to live in Hattiesburg, MS, and I decided to take some pictures of Brett Farve's Home. Before I did, I decided to get a pic of Eagle walk (seen above), under the USM stadium, where his number is proudly displayed. I just thought that some fans out there would want to see this stuff. I am a fan and I thought it might be cool.Above is a picture of Farve's Gate to his home in Hattiesburg, Ms. The gate stretches nearly a mile down Hwy 98 East only to continue with a tall chain link fence. His actual home is not visible from the road, but maybe one day I will have enough nerve to walk up to the speaker and ask to come in(lol). If you look close, an F is on the center of the gate. Proving that this is Brett Farve's Home(lol). No really it is. Below I zoomed in to show you.
Here's a couple Aerial Photo's for the serious Farve Maniacs...
I hope you guys liked this. Have any of you been inside the gates? If so let me know.
Posted by rightttt at 6:51:00 PM
Labels: aerial photo, brett farve, farves home, hattiesburg, house, mississippi, ms, parkerverse, rightttt, where does brett farve live comments (1)
OK so I realized today that I am developing an addiction to feedburner. I check it everyday. I'm sure this is very common among new bloggers but I need a break from it. So I will not check feedburner for 1 week starting now, Tuesday, March 25. It would be nice if I had a lot more subscribers by then, maybe I will. Anyway I will continue to post here. The only difference is that I will have no tools to gauge what kind of response I am getting other than comments. So please comment if you like an article. If you have read my stuff before then you may have noticed I am trying to write series rather than individual posts. If the response is good I will continue if not I drop it. I haven't dropped anything as of yet. Just because this blog is so new. So please let me know if your liking my posts.
Posted by rightttt at 12:25:00 PM
Labels: addicted, blog, comment, feedburner, parkerverse, rightttt comments (0)
Posted by rightttt at 11:37:00 AM
Labels: annoyed, apartment, big, neighbors, new, parkerverse, parking, parking spot, rightttt, suv, tight parking, truck comments (0)
Posted by rightttt at 12:35:00 AM
Labels: actroid, android, buy, der2, female robot, fembot, Kokoro, rent a robot, robotics, saniro comments (0)
So I checked Feedreader today. I was amazed. It went up to 5 subscribers yesterday from 2. I want to let all of the subscribers know that I will highlight something personal in a post if you want. For example, blog, photos, youtube channel, web site, etc. Also, please comment on what I'm writing so I know what interests you most and so I will keep those posts coming.
Finally I am considering putting a chat box widget on here if you would like to see one let me know via comments. Thanks Again.
Posted by rightttt at 6:42:00 PM
Labels: blog, feedburner, new, new posts, parkerverse, readers, rightttt, subscriber, subscriber. thanks, youtube comments (0)
Last night "Uncle Buck", starring John Candy was on. So I decided to watch it. I had not seen this movie in years and you know what. It was great. Hilarious doesn't describe this movie. It was jaw dropping fun.
Today's comedies are too vulgar for me most times and they seem to have very weak plots. That's why I like to watch older comedies. The plots were great, believable, and the cast were acting not poorly delivering dirty jokes.
Posted by rightttt at 5:38:00 PM
Labels: classic, comedy, film, funny, hillarious, john candy, movie, parkerverse, review, rightttt, uncle buck comments (0)
So I am beginning to notice that my complex at least the building I stay in is filled will couples. What's that about? I am surrounded by couples on all sides. Its ridiculous. I was hoping for some single women in these apartments but NOOOOO... There are only couples. Anyway... Just saying.
Posted by rightttt at 5:31:00 PM
Labels: apartment, complex, couples, new, parkerverse, rightttt, surrounded comments (0)
So I found this video about 2 months ago, and I love it. Absolutely love it. You may have already seen it but if you haven't then you must.
It's a ninja discussing the matrix kungfu speed, and how it compares to ninja speed. He also discusses what he thought about the movie. This short was produced the youtube channel dogtoons. I suggest subscribing. everything I have seen I have liked. So without further delays here's the vid.
Now isn't that so stupid its funny! Anway I hope you liked it.
Posted by rightttt at 5:10:00 PM
Labels: animation, dogtoons, funny, hillarious, how fast, kungfu, matrix, move, ninja, ninja speed, parkerverse, rightttt, youtube comments (0)
First I would like to apologize for not posting this Friday. I was at my parents, and could not find the time.
Tonight I am going to give you a step by step process to get a great deal on a specifically a NEW car. With that said some of this will be repeated from previous posts. But since I don't have a huge following yet it will probably be more beneficial this way.
The STEPS to get a great deal on a NEW car.
I Hope this helps you all. If you have any questions post them in the comments. Thanks for Reading.
Posted by rightttt at 3:51:00 PM
Labels: buy cars, buying, car, car buying advice, car help, car salesman, good deal, help, how, how to, negotiate, parkerverse, rightttt, salesmen, tips, tricks comments (0)
So a few minutes ago posted some problems I was having uploading a new layout. Well I fixed it... Now I will not even pretend to know how it worked but it did. Also I would like to note that I did not come up with this on my own.
The 2 errors!
Happened while I was trying to both confirm and preview a new template/layout. I searched the knowledge base and found someone who said they found someone(possibly a blog) named Jesus and Yoda. Who just deleted all their widgets and the error went away. Well I tried it. After I was done I clicked save layout(after I deleted the widgets).
At this point I received a error.
This pissed me of to no end lol. So I decided to try to upload my new template to see if it works anyway. AND, IT DID.. WOOHOO Thanks to whoever posted that fix. It seemed like it was effecting a ot of people and we all appreciate it. Thanks Again.
Posted by rightttt at 5:19:00 PM
Labels: blogger, bX-3gqv75, bX-4smx9i, bX-aoj9qb, complet, destruction averted, error, fixed, parkerverse, rightttt, yay comments (1)
So I was just uploading a new template with 2 side bars(one on each side). And that's when blogger decides to screw up on me midway though.
These are the errors I got.
If anyone knows anything about these and or would like to opine on these errors please do so. Any help is appreciated. Luckily I only started this blog weeks ago and not years. Anyway once I get this cleared up and the blog looking good again. I will begin posting regularly again.
Posted by rightttt at 4:51:00 PM
Labels: blogger, bX-4smx9i, bX-aoj9qb, error, help, new, template comments (0)
Posted by rightttt at 4:57:00 PM
Labels: be back, blog, new posts, parkerverse, rightttt, shortly, update comments (0)
Usually I look around digg, yahoo answers, youtube, and yahoo buzz.
While on digg or buzz I try not to look at stories that are extremely popular because if everyone is writing about them there will be very little I can add and no one wants to hear the same story 1000 times. I try to stick to videos while on there so that I have a visual reference for the readers.
While on yahoo answers I may be inspired by an individuals question, but most times I just see whats hot.
Browsing youtube, is something I do for fun and not for this blog but I always find something worth talking about so I write about it.
The key to writing a new post is interest, your interest. If your not interested in the topic then you will get blocked, frustrated and rush it.
This guy CHRIS BROGRAN, posted a topic listing 100 ideas for topics. I would rather not to use the list but I have found a few that interest me. So expect to see some soon.
So thats how I find my topics. Hope it helps you all. If you have some suggestions let me know. Im always ready open to new ideas.
Posted by rightttt at 11:10:00 PM
Labels: blog, choose, chris brogran, digg, how to, parkerverse, rightttt, topic, topics, yahoo answers, yahoo buzz, youtube comments (0)
After I wrote this I realized this is more of an honesty test. How honest will you be? If you ever planned to comment now is the time. Tell me your guiltiest pleasures.
Posted by rightttt at 9:41:00 PM
Labels: action figures, backstreet boys, boy bands, celebrity, full moon productions, guilty, howard the duck, irritating, lg15, lonelygirl15, pleasures, reality, show, sister, smoking, younger comments (0)
So you think your addicted to the Internet. Wrong! Maybe a loved one or friend is. Wrong!
Saying someone is addicted to the Internet is like saying, they are addicted to life(that's a good thing rightttt) because that's all it is. LIFE!
With that said, the Internet has many addictive aspects. Chatting, porn, gaming, and gambling are all very addictive and all offered on the Internet. However all of these, excluding chatting, which is only 1 aspect of the Internet, are available offline.
The Internet life is just a new way to live. A new way to start a business, meet new friends, date, talk to old friends, keep up with family, etc... I could go on forever.
The problem is that this new way of life is not socially accepted yet. However its social acceptance is progressing exponentially with help from sites like blogger, myspace, youtube, flickr, ebay etc... Again I could go on forever.
So what about these people who spend hours and hours online. Well I'm one and I bet you are too! I spend time running my blog and youtube channel, while checking in with sites like myspace and hotornot and it takes alot of time to do that. Now granted I can be on and off of myspace in less than 5 minutes if I haven't received any new messages, but the rest takes time. Time to personalize your page, upload new content, update profiles, converse with your friends and family and introduce yourself to new people. Addicted? No, I am not addicted. Do I HALF to get online daily? Only if I want my blog to be a success. Can I go with out the Internet for a few days? Easily!
So where does addiction come in? It doesn't. Life can now be experienced from a chair. Just remember to get up every once in awhile, get some exercises in, eat something, and take a look outside.
Posted by rightttt at 7:45:00 PM
Labels: addict, addicted, addiction, how, Internet, Internet life, know comments (2)
Posted by rightttt at 8:25:00 AM
Labels: for subscribing, new, parkerverse, rightttt, subscriber. thanks, thank you comments (0)
So I think I've discovered one of the reasons why my neighbor above me is so noisy. It seems that there is a girl, who if not lives with him spends a lot of time with him up there. Still though. Whats going on? Do they take turns running around the apartment? Or what? Who knows. At least I know I can sleep through it. However the last 2 days I have woken up at 7:30 exactly with no use of an alarm clock. Not that I'm complaining but I'm one of those people that doesn't wake up with out a clock. It's not like I went to bed early. So whats going on with that. I will further investigate and let you all know.
Posted by rightttt at 8:13:00 AM
Labels: apartment, neighbor, new, noisy, parkerverse, rightttt comments (0)
Thanks for subscribing. Leave comments if you want me to blog about something specific. Nothings to small. However I would rather make note of yours or someone you knows blog, youtube channel, etc. I don't have many views a day but I'm trying to change that plus any advertisement is better than no advertisement. 5 Subscribers in a week. I think that's pretty good. Anyway thanks again.
Posted by rightttt at 9:01:00 PM
Labels: parkeverse, rightttt, subscriber, thank you, thanks, youtube comments (0)
Above is a video I found trolling youtube. I think your going to be impressed. This is a video of Boston Dynamics's, quadruped robot. Personally I think it makes Asimo look like a slightly slow child, but to be fair I think that's what Honda was going for, a first step in human robotics. Anyway the first 30 seconds or so are a bit slow. I thought it was a hoax of some type because how many times do you see state of the art robotics walking around the woods and up hill at that... But when its on flat ground in the parking lot it seemed more believable. Then a guy comes out of nowhere kicks it(jump kick) as hard as he could. It stayed on all fours. I thought it was fake again. Then it was slipping on ice.. Fake! Then running and jumping through a laboratory course I was simply AMAZED! I cant wait to get one. Sign me up. I'm riding my oversize quadruped Yorkie to work from now on. I wonder how many horse power these things are going to have.
But on a more serious note. Boston Dynamics has created a biologically moving quadruped. You saw it. It's called BigDog. Don't get too excited though, BigDog is funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency. So it's really unlikely that you will see it on the common market anytime soon.
On another note, I attempted to go to Boston Dynamics website and waited for about 25 minutes(and I have 6mb comcast cable Internet) while I wrote this(just an attempt to give you more information). I don't know how long this video has been out there but if it's new. Their site may be overrun with web surfers. Hopefully this will not slow production. Anyway the link is all over the article take a look let me know if you get through.
Wiki had a little about it. BigDog is specifically being created as a pack mule for terrain where wheeled vehicles don't do so hot. It was created in 2005, and as far as I know it is not ready for deployment.
Bigdog Facts:
Posted by rightttt at 8:01:00 PM
Labels: advanced, agency, asimo, bigdog, boston dynamics, carrier, defense, honda, military, pack mule, project, quadruped, research, robotics, video capture, youtube comments (2)
So I thought that I had (1)some pretty quiet neighbors (2)a really well insulated apartment. Well I was wrong on both accounts. Turns out the guy who lives above me was out of town. Now that he is back he is always and I mean constantly moving around. I don't understand how he can move that much. What I really don't get is why he has to move so much. I mean seriously! What is he doing up there? The whole situation makes me feel like a weirdo, because I am in my apartment on my computer or watching some tv. I mean I work out and I do move around, but the apartment is like 600 square feet. Where the hell is he going? I keep thinking back to when I was younger my sisters friends would be upstairs making all kinds of noise and I would yell up "be quiet!". I find myself almost doing that hear. Anyway I just wanted to vent.
Posted by rightttt at 7:22:00 PM
Labels: annoyed, apartment, iritating, neighbor, new, noisy, parkerverse, rightttt, vent comments (0)
This was announced January 24th 2008, so you may have already heard about this, but since I haven't heard of it then some of you haven't earlier. Plus I think this will be great.
HP (Hewlett Pakard) has went into the dvd buisness or actually the hard to find media buisness. Everybody has a dvd they want that has not been released. We are all stuck watching this media on antiquated equipment(VCR). HP has fixed that.
HP announced the 24th of January 2008, that Sony Pictures Home Entertainment has licensed a vast majority of there library for production through HP's new DVD on demand. This made Sony Pictures the first major studio to team with HP. Other Major Studios should follow Sony's lead.
I don't know about everybody else but I think this is great. The chance to buy movies that time forgot on DVD like "What Did You Do In The War Daddy" is simply amazing. There are lists of dvds all over the Internet requesting their release, my only hope is that they will offer the ones I want too.
First Sony will be releasing these types of media and I'm sure this is only the beginning.
The list of media being released has not been finalized yet. Here is the link to the Press Release.
Posted by rightttt at 3:49:00 PM
Labels: dvd, dvds, hewlett pakard, hp, manufacture, on demand, sony pictures, unreleased, what did you do in the war daddy comments (0)
Trancers first released in 1985, starring Tim Thomerson and Helen Hunt. This scifi masterpiece produced five sequels; Trancers II (1991), Trancers III (1992), Trancers 4: Jack of Swords (1994), Trancers 5: Sudden Deth (1994), and Trancers 6 (2002).
Trancers tells the story of police trooper Jack Deth(Tim Thomerson), who has been hunting Martin Whistler, a criminal mastermind that possesses the ability to psychically turn people into zombies and control them. In the beginning of Trancers, Jack is hot on the trail of Whistler. So Whistler injects himself with a time travel inducing drug which transports the persons consciousness to the youngest living relative of the time period. Concerned what he might change Jack goes back to 1985 to stop him. He finds Whistler building an army of Trancers to take over the world. Along the way he meets a young cute punk girl Leena (Helen Hunt) who helps him in his task. Without giving anything specific away Whistler escapes to another time period, creating the first sequel, Trancers II. As you can guess Whistler escaped many times allowing multiple sequels to this classic scifi movie.
What I thought...
The Trancers movies were produced on a low budget. However, Where the effects lacked, Tim Thomerson, Helen Hunt, and the rest of the cast made up for. One thing that made these movies so memorable were the little things that were mentioned in one and then made note of in the sequels. The story telling was unbelievable for such a low budget movie and I can't say it enough, Tim Thomerson made these movies. He was amazing in Trancers 1-5. However in Trancers 6, Jack travels in time to save his daughters life and ends up taking the persona of his daughter Josephine (Zette Sullivan). Personally I felt her performance was great. After all those years the Trancers saga still has it.
These movies are great for people who love movies like "Back to the Future". There are so few time travel movies out there, that really show you the possibilities. Trancers is definitely one of them. RENT IT BUY IT LOVE IT.
Posted by rightttt at 12:46:00 PM
Labels: classic, film, full moon, helen hunt, jack deth, jack of swords, scifi, sudden deth, tim thomerson, trancers comments (0)
Posted by rightttt at 5:05:00 PM
Labels: buy cars, car buying advice, good deal, help, how to, negotiate, parkerverse, rightttt, salesmen, update comments (0)
So I have been having kidney troubles. Some kind of infection or maybe stones. I have been taking Cipro an antibiotic. I think it has cleared up because this morning it was like the flood gates opened and the Gulf of Mexico came out. It lasted 1 minute and 15 seconds. Awesome! RIGHTTTT? Anyway the pain is gone, I feel great and my back is even better. Finally over. At least I hope so...
Posted by rightttt at 3:14:00 PM
Labels: antibiotic, cipro, gulf of mexico, kideny infection, kideny stones, parkerverse, rightttt, torture, uti comments (0)
St. Patricks Day is almost here. What does that mean? Get your Leprechaun traps out. So to catch a Leprechaun you first need to know a bit about the Leprechaun.
So now that you know a little. How do you catch one?
You will need the following item's.
So with those few things you or anyone can catch a Leprechaun. Here are the steps.
After you catch him don't move the box until you have a cage for him. He will sleep there indefinitely.
So you caught him. Now how do you keep him? A hamster cage is the best idea. Place grass all over the floor of the cage. When adding new grass be careful not to let him out. Always cover the cage before opening it so he will be asleep. Toss him a gold coin once in awhile, it will make him happy. Most importantly do not I repeat DO NOT let him see a Rainbow. Rainbow's make Leprechauns nuts and give them powers like flying. He will surely escape if this happens.
To feed him simply use scissors and cut some really pretty grass. Place it in a bowl and leave it in the sunlight for 32 minutes. Remember they are small they cant handle microwave hot. Now if you want to see something silly poor some pepper in the bowl before you give it to him. When he goes to eat it he will sneeze uncontrollably and bounce around the cage. Don't worry he will not be hurt, he may curse and spit at you though.
So post pictures of your traps in the comments of this post. GOOD LUCK
Posted by rightttt at 10:43:00 AM
Labels: 4 leaf clover, about, catch, feed, gold, how to, how to catch, keep, leprechaun, rainbow, secrets, st. patricks day, tips, trap, tricks comments (0)
Thanks for subscribing. If you are interested in me writing about something, a specific topic or making note of your website, youtube, account, etc... Just let me know.
Posted by rightttt at 10:16:00 AM
Labels: for subscribing, parkerverse, rightttt, subscribe, subscriber, thank you, thanks comments (0)
Atlantis's finale "Last Man" blew me away. I loved the finale. When Old McKay popped in on John, I knew we were in for some fun.
Why I loved it.
Things I didn't like.
That's it... I really loved the finale. And yeah they all died. But it's not like they wont be back next season. Like Sheppard would say, "Just another day in space."
What did you think? Let me know.
Stargate Atlantis has had it's ups and downs but it remains my favorite TV show out there. I suggest anyone who has not seen it rent it, buy it, or catch it in reruns... It's amazing.
Posted by rightttt at 11:42:00 PM
Labels: atlantis, finale, Last Man, season, Stargate, stargate atlantis comments (0)
Thanks for subscribing. As I offered my first subscriber I will now offer you a free plug. Just let me know what you want me to mention. Your youtube account, photography, web page, blog, or anything else you can think of. If you would rather I talk on a specific topic I will.
Just post a comment to this post about what you want and I will try and deliver.
Posted by rightttt at 10:40:00 PM
Labels: comment, parkerverse, rightttt, subscribe, subscriber, thanks, youtube comments (0)
Tonight rather than talk about procedure in purchasing a car, I am going to talk about things you should never do while purchasing a car.
Things to remeber.
Anyway that concludes part 2. Feel free to ask Questions. Remember there are no dumb questions in the car business.
Posted by rightttt at 8:59:00 PM
Labels: buy cars, buying, car, car buying advice, car help, car salesman, good deal, how to, tips, tricks comments (0)