Uncle Buck: a classic comedy
Last night "Uncle Buck", starring John Candy was on. So I decided to watch it. I had not seen this movie in years and you know what. It was great. Hilarious doesn't describe this movie. It was jaw dropping fun.
Today's comedies are too vulgar for me most times and they seem to have very weak plots. That's why I like to watch older comedies. The plots were great, believable, and the cast were acting not poorly delivering dirty jokes.For those of you who haven't seen it. Here's the Plot. Buck(John Candy) has to get his act together enough to take care of his brothers 3 kids while he is away helping his wife care for her father. Buck's problems come in while caring for the oldest Tia, a rebellious teenager, washing clothes, dealing with his girlfriend and his single neighbor Marcy. John Candy was at his best in this film. And I seriously suggest seeing "Uncle Buck". RENT IT! BUY IT! LOVE IT!
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